1. Low Maintenance
– 60 % perennial ryegrass (comprising 2 cultivars)
– 25% strong creeping red fescue
– 10% hard fescue
– 5% Brown top bent
– Sowing rate 25-40 g/m²
– Superb CO2 sequestration capability with low carbon emissions (low maintenance) makes this sward mixture a perfect complement to low carbon sustainable development projects.
This universal landscaping mix is ideal for public green spaces where rapid establishment and low maintenance are considered beneficial.
2. Green Infrastructure ‘Super Root’
Amenity grassland mix also suitably deployed on winter sports pitches.
– 30% tetraploid perennial ryegrass
– 30% perennial ryegrass
– 20% creeping perennial ryegrass (stoloniferous)
– 20% strong creeping red fescue
– Sowing rate: 30-40 g/m²
– Mowing height (will tolerate down to 12 mm).
This cultivar mix demonstrated exceptional drought tolerance during the 2019 ‘heatwave’.
Established swards significantly out-performed traditional permanent managed grassland areas and recovery (following prolonged drought) was significantly accelerated.
3. Road & Rail
Verges, roundabouts, embankments and slope stabilisation applications.
– 25% perennial ryegrass ‘R450’
– 42.5 strong creeping red fescue
– 25% hard fescue
– 5% brown top bent
– 2.5% micro-clover
– Sowing rate: 25-40 g/m²
– Minimal mowing regimes (once annual, ‘spring cut’ annual sward growth).
This drought resilient sward will tolerate mowing down to 25 mm height.
This cultivar mix maintains road/rail green verges with exceptional CO2 sequestration capabilities, atmospheric particulate “scrubbing” rainwater entrapment/infiltration and (by virtue of the Micro clover) is “self-nourishing” in nitrogen requirements through the nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with Micro clover.