Some of the Benefits of Carbon Grass
✓ Up to 300% more atmospheric carbon sequestration into the soil sink.
✓ Requiring an average of 40% less cutting (enabling sustainable 40% long-term cost savings)
✓ Creating carbon credits to off-set against ‘Carbon Footprints’.
✓ Extrapolating the results of the 1st UK Carbon Audit of a Park, 300,000 Ha of grass would sequester 2m-3m tCO2 eq/yr.
✓ Harder wearing – enhancement of the amenity.More disease & pest resistant.
✓ 50% more drought tolerant – improved colour & water quality
✓ Contributing to the Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) agenda by enhancing natural drainage regimes to reduce surface water flooding.
✓ These deeper rooted grass cultivars improve bank stabilisation.
✓ Support enormous microbial diversity and biodiversity value of the environment.
✓ Carbon grass enables improved air quality through atmospheric CO2 scrubbing
✓ Hugely efficient bio sequestration (carbon storage) capabilities – performing 300 per cent more efficiently than traditional amenity grassland varieties
✓ Exceptionally deep-rooting cultivars assist soil structure formation and aggregation, enhancing the soil’s capability to receive, store and infiltrate excessive rainfall
✓ As such, they align strongly with the currently desirable sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) initiatives
✓ and in turn, through their deep roots, contribute to the mechanical stability and longevity of urban green space areas.
✓ Reduction of between 40 & 45% less grass clippings.
✓ It is possible to grow not only grass but also vast storage banks of atmospheric CO2.
✓ As soil organic carbon sequestration or bio-sequestration converts local topsoil into vast carbon storage banks. Analogous to temperate moorland peat.
✓ To remain as long as the grassland is maintained as permanent.
✓ Ability to bio-sequester 13 tonnes/hectare/ /annum of atmospheric carbon dioxide within topsoil
✓ As compared to 2 tonnes/hectare/annum for deciduous woodland. Carbon is stored within lignin in the tree trunks.
Less maintenance
✓ Carbon grasses require on average 40% less maintenance….
This Saves
✓ Mowing cost and time
✓ Associated fuel usage & exhaust emissions
✓ Reduces volume of green waste disposal
✓ Maintains managed grassland aesthetics…it looks the same!